Financial Planning
Financial planning means managing all aspects of your financial situation. Managing finances is complex. And as the saying goes, ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’. We provide a comprehensive financial planning service that brings together all elements of your financial profile. Our plans address:
  • Superannuation and SMSF
  • Govt Employees and GESB Planning
  • Risk insurances
  • Investment Planning
  • Tax Effective Planning
  • Cash Flow and Debt Management
Each of these elements is important and making positive changes in any one area will provide substantial benefit. But the real benefits come when two or more of these elements are addressed together. That is when your financial profile really starts to sing.Mr. Vinod Kumar (1265391), who is one of the authorized representatives at AVS Wealth Managers which have a team of highly compassionate, trained and experienced financial advisers to meet the needs of their clients.

At AVS Wealth Managers, we educate and empower our members to make informed and smart decisions about their financial well-being. When you partner with us, we will help you prepare, prioritize and plan your pathways to financial freedom, so you get the most out of your life without the stress and worry of financial burden.

We can help you in the following areas:
  • Goal setting and prioritizing – not sure what to do first? Buy the house or travel the world, we can help you decide. Prepare, priorities and plan your goals so we can align your income allocation with
  • Take control of your superannuation – boost your super savings and take the worry out of retirement.
  • Updated insurance – to make sure your assets, income, young family and lifestyle are protected from any unforeseen events.
  • Savings plans – smart ways to save for that round the world trip or even a decent deposit for your first home.
  • Well planned debt reduction plan that can save you significant interest costs.
  • Long term wealth plan set up and automated, so the future takes care of itself.
  • Medium-term investment plan (this may include future education costs).
  • Return to work calculations – should you return to work or are you working just to pay childcare?
  • Proactive taxation planning – making sure your plan is set up in the best possible way to optimize your tax position both personally, inside superannuation and your direct investments.
  • Confidence in your decisions and a professional ear to bounce ideas off – we all have financial goals and dreams, why not let us work out if yours are achievable.
  • Set and forget (knowing we are looking after it) your long-term wealth plan.